Let me start with a short introduction- my name is Caroline, the curator Modern Heirloom. I will spare you the details of how I got here and will share with you the vision of Modern Heirloom (or, as I like to call it, Mod•Lüm). Owning a small business has been a dream of mine for many, MANY years. After working a variety of retail jobs, I knew I wanted to own a small business that serves a purpose and provides goods that people will love, not just for a season or a few years, but for a lifetime.
At Mod•Lüm, you will find home + lifestyle goods that will serve as an addition to your way of living. I have been researching and testing products to ensure I am providing you with products + brands I truly believe in.
To wrap this up, I am beyond grateful for the opportunity to share an extension of myself. I thank you in advance for your support and can't wait to share more details of this journey.
Visit us here, online, or at our brick + mortar boutique in Cascade, Iowa :)
cheers to small, woman owned businesses!